Plant myo–inositol transport influences bacterial colonization phenotypes
Bridget S. O’Banion, Piet Jones, Alexander A. Demetros, Brittni R. Kelley, Andrew S. Wagner, Jin-Gui Chen, Wellington Muchero, Todd B. Reynolds, Daniel Jacobson, and Sarah L. Lebeis
Plant microbiomes are assembled and modified through a complex milieu of biotic and abiotic factors. Despite dynamic and fluctuating contributing variables, specific host metabolites are consistently identified as important mediators of microbial interactions. We combine information from a large-scale metatranscriptomic dataset from natural poplar trees and experimental genetic manipulation assays in model Arabidopsis seedlings to converge on a conserved role for transport of the plant metabolite myo-inositol in mediating host-microbe interactions. While microbial catabolism of this compound is often linked to increased host colonization, we identify motility phenotypes that occur independently of catabolism, suggesting that inositol may additionally serve as a eukaryotic-derived signaling molecule to modulate microbial activities. Our data suggests host control of this compound and resulting microbial behavior are important mechanisms at play surrounding the host metabolite inositol.
O’Banion BS, Jones P, Demetros AA, Kelley BR, Wagner AS, Reynolds TB, Jin-Gui Chen J-G, Muchero W, Jacobson D, Lebeis SL (2023). Plant myo-Inositol Transport Influences Bacterial Colonization Phenotypes. Current Biology, In Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.057