PMI Team
Mitch Doktycz serves as the Laboratory Research Manager of the Plant-Microbes Interfaces Scientific Focus Area with Dale Pelletier and Timothy Tschaplinski, who serve as the Scientific Co-managers. Together, they contribute to the overall scientific direction and management of the SFA, including establishing scientific priorities with clear milestones and deliverables, prioritizing tasks, monitoring progress, allocating resources and workforce, establishing future directions and reporting to the BER program manager at the US Department of Energy (DOE). The PMI team includes investigators from two research Divisions at ORNL – the Biosciences Division (BSD), and the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS). Core collaborators from the University of Washington (Carrie S. Harwood, E. Peter Greenberg, Amy Schaefer), Duke University (Rytas Vilgalys) and the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE-Nancy, France; Francis Martin, Annegret Kohler, Aurélie Deveau, and Claire Veneault-Fourrey) complement the ORNL PMI team. Members of the team are listed below.
Photo of the 2024 PMI All Hands Meeting