Two new endophytic Atractiellomycetes, Atractidochium hillarie and Proceropycnis hameedii
Catherine M. Aime, Hector Urbina, Julian A. Liber, Gregory Bonito and Ryoko Oono
4 June 2018, Mycologia 110(1): 136-146; doi: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1446650.
Sterile fungal isolates are often recovered in leaf and root endophytic studies, although these seldom play a significant role in downstream analyses. The authors sought to identify and characterize two such endophytes—one representing the most commonly recovered fungal isolate in recent studies of needle endophytes of Pinus taeda and the other representing a rarely isolated root endophyte of Populus trichocarpa. Both are shown by DNA sequencing to be undescribed species of Atractiellomycetes (Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycota), a poorly characterized class of mostly plant-associated and presumably saprobic microfungi. The authors describe the new genus and species Atractidochium hillariae (Phleogenaceae) and the new species Proceropycnis hameedii(Hoehnelomycetaceae), both in the Atractiellales, to accommodate these unusual isolates. Following incubations of 1–2 mo, A. hillariae produces minute white sporodochia, similar to those produced by several other members of Atractiellales, whereas Pr. hameedii forms conidia singly or in chains in a manner similar to its sister species Pr. pinicola. Additionally, we provide a taxonomic revision of Atractiellomycetes based on multilocus analyses and propose the new genera Neogloea(Helicogloeaceae) and Bourdotigloea (Phleogenaceae) to accommodate ex-Helicogloea species that are not congeneric with the type H. lagerheimii. Atractiellomycetes consists of a single order, Atractiellales, and three families, Hoehnelomycetaceae, Phleogenaceae, and Helicogloeaceae. Accumulated evidence suggests that Atractiellomycetes species are common but infrequently isolated members of plant foliar and root endobiomes.
Aime, M. C., H. Urbina, J. A. Liber, G. Bonito and R. Oono (2018). “Two new endophytic Atractiellomycetes, Atractidochium hillariae and Proceropycnis hameedii.” Mycologia 110(1): 136-146.
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