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Utturkar, S. et al., 2015. Scientific Data

Sequence data for Clostridium autoehanogenum using three generations of sequencing technologies

Sagar Utturkar, Dawn M Klingeman, José M Bruno-Barcena,  Mari S. Chinn, Amy M. Grunden, Michael Köpke, and Steven D. Brown
14 April 2015, Scientific Data 2, Article number: 150014; doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.14


During the past decade, DNA sequencing output has been mostly dominated by the second generation sequencing platforms which are characterized by low cost, high throughput and shorter read lengths for example, Illumina. The emergence and development of so called third generation sequencing platforms such as PacBio has permitted exceptionally long reads (over 20 kb) to be generated. Due to read length increases, algorithm improvements and hybrid assembly approaches, the concept of one chromosome, one contig and automated finishing of microbial genomes is now a realistic and achievable task for many microbial laboratories. In this paper, we describe high quality sequence datasets which span three generations of sequencing technologies, containing six types of data from four NGS platforms and originating from a single microorganism, Clostridium autoethanogenum. The dataset reported here will be useful for the scientific community to evaluate upcoming NGS platforms, enabling comparison of existing and novel bioinformatics approaches and will encourage interest in the development of innovative experimental and computational methods for NGS data.