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Felten, J. et al., 2012. Signaling and Communication in Plant Symbiosis

Signaling in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Judith Felten, Francis Martin, and Valérie Legué
03 January 2012, Signaling and Communication in Plant Symbiosis, Signaling and Communication in Plants Volume 10, pp 123-142


The mechanism by which tree roots and soil fungi interact and form their common, symbiotic organ, the ectomycorrhiza (ECM), involves numerous steps. During this ontogenic process, the developmental programs of both partners are modified in order to enable symbiosis establishment. Both roots and fungus release an array of various metabolites (morphogens and signalling molecules) that establish a molecular cross-talk between symbionts. In contrast to some other plant–microbe interactions, such as rhizobia or arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis, the characterization of these signalling molecules and their impact on developmental pathways is poorly known. Recent studies have provided new insights into specific phases and signalling pathways of ECM development on a molecular level and have thereby started to fill the gaps in our understanding of root–fungus communication. Based on this knowledge and recent data from ECM interaction, we will identify possible crosstalk between ECM signalling and root development.


Felten J, Martin F and Legué, V. 2012. Signaling in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. In: Signaling and Communication in Plant Symbiosis, Signaling and Communication in Plants vol.10, pp. 123-142 (ed.S Perotto & F Baluska)Springer-Verlag Book SeriesPress