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Labbé, J. et al., 2014. The 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics

Fungal biology: compiling genomes and exploiting them

Jessy Labbé, Jessie Uehling, Thibaut Payen, and Jonathan Plett
19 June 2014, The 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics,  New Phytologist 203(2): 359-361; 10.1111/nph.12891


The 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG12) took place in March 2014. Every 2 years a European country welcomes this meeting, which is held in coordination with the Fungal Genetics Conferences that take place every 2 years in Asilomar (USA). This year over 700 participants from40 countries gathered in Seville (Spain) to exchange ideas on the central theme of fungal genetics and general fungal biology including molecular and cell biology, genomics, evolution and biotechnology. The conference included plenary sessions in honor of three prominent fungal geneticists (Charles Yanofsky, John Clutterbuck and Claudio Sccazocchio), concurrent sessions such as the tremendous ‘Fungal genomes: now what?’, and six satellite meetings including the 4th Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative Workshop (MGIW4). In the latter meeting, coordinated by Francis Martin (INRA, Nancy, France), approx. 30 junior and senior scientists discussed progress made on exploring the genome diversity of mycorrhizal fungi and debated future directions on how to use the current data sets to
bridge mycorrhizal genomics, metagenomics and forest ecology. In this meeting report, we focus on the engaging discussions surrounding fungal genomes and their utilization.


Labbé, J., Uehling, J., Payen, T. and Plett, J. (2014), Fungal biology: compiling genomes and exploiting them. New Phytologist, 203: 359–361. doi: 10.1111/nph.12891