Complete genome sequence of Luteolibacter sp. strain Populi, a member of phylum Verrucomicrobiota isolated from the Populus trichocarpa rhizosphere
Sora Imai, Benjamin Allen, Leah H. Hochanadel, William G. Alexander, Robert W. Cottingham, Christopher W. Schadt, Dale A. Pelletier, Mircea Podar
September 30, 2024, Environmental Microbiology; DOI:10.1128/mra.00801-24
Luteolibacter sp. strain Populi is a bacterium from the phylum Verrucomicrobiota, isolated from the rhizosphere of a black cottonwood tree, Populus trichocarpa, from the Cascade mountains in Washington. Its 6.6-Mb chromosome was completely sequenced using Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing and is predicted to encode 5,301 proteins and 60 RNAs.
Imai S, Allen B, Hochanadel LH, Alexander WG, Cottingham RW, Schadt CW, Pelletier DA, Podar M (2024). Complete genome sequence of Luteolibacter sp. strain Populi, a member of phylum Verrucomicrobiota isolated from the Populus trichocarpa rhizosphere. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 0:e00801-24. DOI:10.1128/mra.00801-24