PMI Populus Resources

This page lists the Populus resources created by the PMI SFA.  Please check back as the table is updated periodically


Populus common gardens used for PMI research

PMI has been using natural variants of P. trichocarpa from the GWAS (genome-wide association studies) panel that are clonally replicated in several common gardens including Clatskanie (OR) (~1,100 individual genotypes with 3 replicates), Corvallis (OR) (~1,100 individual genotypes with 3 replicates), and Davis (CA) (~1,500 individual genotypes with 3 replicates). PMI has also been using the parents and progeny of the P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides psudobackcross population with ~350 individual genotypes that are clonally replicated (3 replicates) at the Westport (OR) common garden.
Clatskanie, OR~1,100 P. trichocarpa GWAS natural variants; total ~3,300 treesEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;
Westport, OR~350 P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides pseudo-backcross QTL pedigree; total ~1,300 treesEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2020
Simon et al. 2024;
Corvallis, OR~1,100 P. trichocarpa GWAS natural variants; total ~3,300 treesEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;
Davis, CA~1,500 P. trichocarpa GWAS natural variants; total ~7,600 trees; with irrigation treatmentMuchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;

Please see Slavov et al. 2012 for Populus common gardens

For more map details, see the PMI Populus Common Garden Interactive Map 


Populus species used for PMI research

PMI has been using several different species of Populus including natural variants of P. trichocarpa from the GWAS (genome-wide association studies) panel, parents and progeny of the P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides psudobackcross population as well as wild-type and transgenic plants in the P. deltoides (WV94 genotype) and P. tremula x P. alba hybrid (717-1B4 genotype) backgrounds.
P. tremula x P. alba hybrid cross717-1B4Most commonly used genotype for transformationPhytozome - HAP1;
Phytozome - HAP2 
P. deltoidesWV94Second most commonly used genotype for transformation (BESC/CBI)Phytozome WV94
P. trichocarpaBESC-819Superior performance in tissue cultureEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;
 Taylor et al. 2024
P. trichocarpaBESC-24, BESC-375Multi-platform characterization of intraspecies variationEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;
Taylor et al. 2024
P. trichocarpa93-968'Grandparent' for QTL pedigreeMuchero et al. 2015;
P. deltoidesILL-101'Grandparent' for QTL pedigreeMuchero et al. 2015;
P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides hybrid cross52-225F1 hybrid (93-868 x ILL-101); Parent for QTL pedigreeMuchero et al. 2015;
Induri et al. 2012
P. deltoidesD-124Parent for QTL pedigreeMuchero et al. 2015;


Population size of different Populus species used for PMI research

PMI has been using natural variants of P. trichocarpa from the GWAS (genome-wide association studies) panel with ~1,500 individual genotypes that are clonally replicated in several common gardens. PMI has also been using the parents and progeny of the P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides psudobackcross population with ~350 individual genotypes. In addition, PMI has generated ~50 transgenic and CRISPR lines in the P. deltoides (WV94 genotype) or P. tremula x P. alba hybrid (717-1B4 genotype) backgrounds. Furthermore, PMI has access to the natural variants of P. deltoides from the GWAS panel with ~500 individual genotypes, as well as ~10 Populus representative species collected from diverse geographical locations and ecological systems.
Poplar CollectionsSpecies/BackgroundDescriptionReferences
QTL pedigreeP. trichocarpa x P. deltoides hybrid~350; progeny from 52-225 x D-124Muchero et al. 2015;
Induri et al. 2012
Natural variantsP. trichocarpa~1,500; Planted in common gardensEvans et al. 2014;
Muchero et al. 2015;
Simon et al. 2024;
 Taylor et al. 2024
Natural variantsP. deltoides~500Fahrenkrog et al. 2017
Representative speciesNew Populus species~10Poplar Innovation Inc. collection