Jones, P., et al. 2020., Metabolic Engineering Lab Protocol Series
Network modeling of complex data sets
Piet Jones, Deborah Weighill, Manesh Shah, Sharlee Climer, Jeremy Schmutz, Avinash Sreedasyam, Gerald Tuskan and Daniel Jacobson
November 2020,Techniques in Metabolic Engineering Lab Protocol series; doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0195-2_15
We demonstrate a selection of network and machine learning techniques useful in the analysis of complex datasets, including 2-way similarity networks, Markov clustering, enrichment statistical networks, FCROS differential analysis, and random forests. We demonstrate each of these techniques on the Populus trichocarpa gene expression atlas.
Jones P. et al. (2020) Network Modeling of Complex Data Sets. In: Himmel M., Bomble Y. (eds) Metabolic Pathway Engineering. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2096. Humana, New York, NY.