The Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Genomics
Francis Martin and Annegret Kohler
20 September 2013. The Ecological Genomics of Fungi; doi: 10.1002/9781118735893.ch8
Mycorrhizal symbioses are at the core of linkages between soil microbial processes, vegetation, soil carbon storage and release, and movements of nutrients and water. The high ecological, evolutionary, and economic importance of mycorrhizal symbionts has led to much interest in sequencing the genomes of mycorrhizal fungi. This chapter describes some of the evolutionary history and biological and ecological diversity of various types of mycorrhizal fungi with a particular focus on the ectomycorrhizal species with publicly released genome sequences. Additionally, it shows how sequencing of the Laccaria bicolor and Tuber melanosporum genomes has enabled research relevant to ecosystem‐scale processes, thereby opening opportunities for ecological genomics. A significant limitation of the mycorrhizal genomics project to date was the inclusion of species belonging to distantly related lineages in a single analysis.
Martin, F and Kohler A. The Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Genomics. in “The Ecological Genomics of Fungi.” 2013, pp 169. Wiley Blackwell Press (F. Martin ed)., ISBN:978-1-119-94610-6